We are hiring!

We are looking for a director for the Maker Institute.

What will the job entail?
● Leading a small, young and dynamic institution that has the facilities of two public universities with with great potential for development.
● To look for opportunities to establish a Fab-Lab in Prague.
● Conception, production and marketing of educational courses, drawing on the know-how of our own or the founding institutions.
● Any other projects and actions that the director/CEO can think of and defend.
● Securing future funding with the support of the founding institutions.

What are the benefits of the work?
● Secured core funding by the start of the project.
● Huge potential for growth and free scope.
● Direct connection to academia ~ unique position within similar nonprofits: Know-how, good image, good negotiating position.

What do we expect?
● Practicality, common sense, ability to plan and coordinate multiple actors, strong will, ability to negotiate, reliability, representativeness and independence.

Required documents:
● Structured CV (1 page).
● Commentary on 3 projects (or projects with own participation) that the candidate perceives
as their most valuable. The aim is to find out what the candidate considers to be the most valuable result
(2 pages)

All submissions should be sent to richard.nevsimal@vscht.cz by the end of September.

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