What is a FabLab?

A FabLab is short for Fabrication Laboratory - small-scale workshop offering digital fabrication to anyone who needs access to advanced technology to be able to turn their ideas into new products or prototypes. The idea was conceived by Professor Neil Gershenfeld - director of MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms.

“The day is coming when we will produce our own products at home with a device called a personal fabricator.” Prof. Neil Gershenfeld

A Fab Labs are closely linked with the DIY movement, open-source hardware, maker culture, and the free and open-source movement. Nowadays there are 1750 Fab Labs across the globe in more than 100 countries. 

Where is Maker Institute?

We operate within Kampus Dejvice, at various places between VŠCHT and ČVUT. If you would like to visit us, please write to us directly. 

Can anyone book the mobile FabLab?

Yes! We are open to various requests. You can book a standard workshop or message us with your idea and we will get back to you with an offer. 

What other services do you offer?

We offer trainings, workshops, and are always open to collaborations on hands-on projects that you have in mind. We can also be booked for any presentations around polytechnic, maker skills, and technology. 

Have further questions?

Send us a message, we will get to your question as soon as possible.